Clydesdale Gear Dirt Bike Hydration + Tool Fanny Pack rear view being worn by motorcycle rider standing of the side of his motorcycle.
Clydesdale Gear

Dirt Bike Hydration
+ Tool Fanny Pack

One backpack that carries the weight on your hips – not your shoulders.
Enduro Rider standing in front of his motorcycle wearing the Clydesdale Gear Enduro Pack showing how the pack carries the weight on your hips not your shoulders.
Clydesdale Gear

Carries the Weight
on your Hips.

Not your shoulders – for a more comfortable ride.
Dirt biker riding away wearing the Clydesdale Gear Enduro Pack.
Clydesdale Gear

One Size Fits All
Including Big Guys.

Conforms to your body. You hardly notice it's there.

Clydesdale Gear – Stuff that Don't Break

Sturdy, strong gear for riding, working, and everyday use. Built for bigger guys, but made for anyone who demands high-quality, long-lasting comfort.

Be the envy of everyone in your riding group

Clydesdale Gear Enduro Pack
Hydration & Tools

1 pack that does it all – a Hydration System and Tool Pack. Best of all, it carries the weight on your waist, not your shoulders.

Just about everyone we know who rides trails, from dirt bikers and enduro guys to dual sport riders, carries a pack, our enduro hydration pack combines a fanny pack for tools and a hydration pack. 

Our pack is the perfect 2-in-1 combination. While the hydration system is located on your back, the fanny pack holds the weight of the tools on your waist instead of your shoulders, making for a more comfortable and convenient riding experience. 

Front view of a big guy riding a dual sport motorcycle off-road wearing the Clydesdale Gear Enduro Pack.
Fits All AND
Made to Include the Bigger Guy

The pack has straps with added length for bigger guys, allowing for a better fit and more enjoyable ride. It stays close to your body and doesn't flap around while you're riding.

With adjustable straps for optimal comfort regardless of your size, the Clydesdale Gear enduro pack is ideal for all riders.

Are you a bigger guy who's tired of gear that doesn't fit well or last long?
3/4 view of a big guy riding a dual sport motorcycle off-road wearing the Clydesdale Gear Enduro Pack.

We are too. That's why we created Clydesdale Gear. 

When your gear isn't living up to your expectations, you never get the most out of what you love to do. We've been endlessly frustrated trying to find items built for big, active guys – from enduro packs that don't fit properly to mechanics stools that eventually break under pressure.

Chris Compton Founder & CEO of Clydesdale Gear standing off to the side of his motorcycle looking at the camera with the Enduro Pack laying on the seat of the motorcycle.

Clydesdale Gear

We make gear specifically for bigger people but designed to fit guys of all sizes who love to stay active and appreciate quality.